
The Career Skills Platform aims at becoming the European one-stop-shop for citizens, career guidance providers and experts in the area of career skills development, which will contain:

  • A comprehensive framework and Career Skills Catalogue of 12 most essential competencies, identified in many prestigious global and EU studies as crucial and most demanded in the following decade across Europe and beyond. The Catalogue will explain each skill and demonstrate the different levels of proficiency in a simple matrix, similar to the one of the European languages.
  • Additionally, users will be able to identify their career skills level and further needs for improvement, using the career skills assessment tool.
  • Further, the Career Skills MOOC (massive open online course) will help learners from different ages, backgrounds and societies upgrade their career skills in the 12 areas, described in the Career Skills Catalogue.
  • The Career Service Map will be a free online register of career services across Europe, which will link providers and individual who look for information, guidance and support.
  • The Career Service Network will be an ecosystem of career guidance professionals, policy actors and users across Europe who will benefit from the shared resources, information and data within the platform.


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